You should always have a focus on who is ahead of you. It will give you a clear idea of why he is ahead. One of the key factors to get successful is to observe the people who succeded in life, try to figure out what principles they follow on a regular basis, and then apply the same in your life. The principle of success as Carnegie Andrew quoted, is definite, they are real, and they can be learned by anyone willing to take to study and apply them. If you are keenly observant, you will figure out that every person whom you encounter in day to day life will teach you something. And the fun fact is that it's not even necessary that you know them. You can also choose some great people who are no longer alive. You can go through there life summary study their lives and then try to apply in your own life. The principles these people used to achieve greatness may also help you to give a push in your life. Don't follow anyone but you can learn from everyone.
Happiness is a state of mind !! One is born in a first-class hospital, the other is delivered at home, both survived. One went to a private primary school and the other to a public school, both ended in the same high school. One woke up from the bed and the other woke up on the floor, both had a peaceful sleep. One has expensive attire, the other simple and cheap, both still cover their body. One ate fried rice and roasted chicken, the other ate homemade rice n dal but both filled their hunger. One drives a Lexus, the other uses public transport but both reached their destination. One may be reading this blog of Motivational Monk from a Samsung, iPhone X and the other on an ordinary Smartphone, but all can see the same message. Lifestyle is not a competition, various lanes lead to the same destination. Just because our neighbor has amassed material possessions, it does not mean that we are a failure. "Happiness is a state of mind, not a set of circumstances" ...