Every SUCCESSFUL person has a PAINFUL STORY, So never GIVE up...
A school BELL that SOUNDS as a DISTURBANCE at 7:45 Am also sounds INTERESTING at 2pm, Is just a MATTER of TIME, So don't ENVY anyone...
Not EVERYONE walking FAST has an APPOINTMENT, Some have running STOMACH... If a ROSE smells better than TOMATOES,
It doesn't mean the ROSE can make a better STEW...
Don't try to COMPARE urself to others...
You also have ur own STRENGTH, Look for it and BUILD on it...
All ANIMALS that exist were in Noah's ark...
A SNAIL is one of those ANIMALS,
If God could wait long enough for SNAILS to enter Noah's ark, His door of GRACE won't close till U reach ur EXPECTED position in life...
Never look DOWN on URSELF,
Keep looking up ...
REMEMBER that broken CRAYONS still color, Keep on PUSHING,
U never can tell how CLOSE U are to ur GOAL...
There is Hope for U, That u are poor TODAY doesn't mean u will be poor FOREVER.
Believe in yourself.
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